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Helper project for the connection with a MySQL database

Nuget GitHub release (latest by date)


This project provides a simple way to create a connection to a MySql database.


You can install this package via NuGet or download the sources.

Install-Package ZimLabs.Database.MySql


The usage of the connector is very easy.

The package provides for differen constructors:

using ZimLabs.Database.MySql;

// 1: Constructor with server and database name.
var connector = new Connector("Server", "Database", 
    "User", "Password", 3306); // The port is optional. Default value is 3306

// 2: Constructor with server, database, user and password (this time as SecureString)
var connector = new Connector("Server", "Database", 
    "User", "Password".ToSecureString(), 3306);

// 3: Constructor with a defined connection string
var conString = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder
    Server = "Server",
    Database = "Database",
    UserID = "User",
    Password = "Password",
    Port = 3306

var connector = new Connector(conString);

// 4: Constructor with settings class
var settings = new DatabaseSettings
    Server = "",
    Database = "MyFancyDatabase",
    UserId = "Username",
    Password = "Password".ToSecureString(),
    Port = 3306

var connector = new Connector(settings);

NOTE: The extension method ToSecureString() is located in the Helper class, which is a part of the package.


Here a small example (with usage of Dapper)

// The settings
var settings = new DatabaseSettings
    Server = "",
    Database = "MyFancyDatabase",
    UserId = "Username",
    Password = "Password".ToSecureString(),
    Port = 3306

var connector = new Connector(settings);

// Perform a query
const string query = "SELECT Id, Name, Mail FROM person AS p";

var personList = connector.Connection.Query<Person>(query).ToList();

Demo project

For more information about the usage of the connector take a look at the demo project: Demo Project